Agression and violence


Aggression and violence are terms that are often used interchangeably; however, there are some distinctions between them that should be noted:

01/ Violence is defined as a form of physical assault with intent to injure another person or destroy the property of others. The causes that lead to violence or why some individuals “value” violence may be related to social status, personal issues, or may be caused by institutional forces. Violence is found in many areas of life including the workplace, home, sports performances, and general public areas.

02/ Aggression can be generally defined as all behaviour intended to injure another person, psychologically or physically, or destroy another person’s property.


Psychotherapy can have a profound effect in treating aggression and violence. There is a broad range of psychotherapeutic treatment models available for the treatment of aggressive and violent behaviours.

Different types of psychotherapy may work better dependent upon personality and life experiences. For example, cognitive behavioural therapy focuses on teaching persons with aggressive and violent behaviours to better understand and control those behaviours, learn coping mechanisms with which to properly channel the thoughts and feelings associated with their violent behaviours and aggression, and learn how to properly assess the consequences of those behaviours.

In psychodynamic therapy approaches, people with aggressive and violent behaviour are encouraged to become conscious of the more vulnerable feelings which typically underlie protective mechanisms such as aggression. When vulnerable feelings are tended to, such as shame, humiliation, fear, or loss, protective aggression tends to dissipate.

If violence or aggression is appearing in the context of a relationship, the persons involved may benefit greatly from couples therapy or family therapy.


Aggression and violence can be the cause of several different disorders. Persons with aggressive and/or violent behaviours may be suffering from passive-aggressive behaviours, intermittent explosive disorder or conduct disorder.

Persons with these behaviours may be suffering from major depression, general anxiety, bipolar or post-traumatic stress, from which their aggression and violence could be an indirect result. Aggressive and violent behaviours may also be a result of alcohol or drug abuse.

Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) is a behavioural disorder characterised by extreme expressions of anger, often to the point of uncontrollable rage. These expressions of anger are disproportionate to the situation to which the person is reacting.

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